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In a heart-warming turn of events, Kieran Rodway has embraced his love for Pantside Primary School and is still able to embark on a thrilling adventure across Europe.

Kieran’s journey began when he signed up with PE Direct and started working part-time in December 2023. Little did he know that a trial at Pantside Primary School would lead to an exciting adventure and a new full-time job.

Falling in love with the vibrant atmosphere and the dedicated team at Pantside Primary School, Kieran decided to take on a full-time, long-term role this year. His enthusiasm and commitment did not go unnoticed, and Pantside Primary were very pleased to welcome him to the team.

However, Kieran’s story doesn’t end there! Kieran revealed his plans to visit one European city every month, starting with the enchanting city of Paris. Kieran is overjoyed, stating “1st stop Paris! 12 countries in 12 months are underway.”

Pantside Primary not only supports Kieran’s adventurous spirit but also recognises and values his dedication inside the classroom. As a gesture of appreciation, Kieran was granted a day off to kick-start his European adventure on January 26th in Paris. Kate Bennett, Head Teacher at Pantside Primary School, said, “Kieran does over and above, so on this occasion, I am happy to pay him.”

This story is testament to the positive experiences that can unfold when passion meets opportunity, and we can’t wait to hear all about your adventures in the coming months.