Schools: 02921 321 994 | Candidates: 02921 303 555


We write news articles on developments in PE and the wider world of education, as well as to let you know what’s going on here at PE Direct. We hope you find them interesting.

If there’s a topic you’d like us to cover please let us know. We’d love to hear from you.

Outstanding Feedback for James

Outstanding Feedback for James

We love receiving feedback and celebrating our wonderful candidates. What a joy it was to receive this outstanding feedback for James Murray from Llanwern High School.

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Congraulations to Alex Morris

Congraulations to Alex Morris

Congratulations to Alex Morris, who has secured a contract position for September at the River Centre. Alex was placed at the River Centre on a long-term basis in May. He fit straight into his role and instantly made fantastic connections with the pupils and staff....

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